Rabu, 15 Oktober 2008

Comments, Critiques and such..

Hi. I'm Syafiq, this blog's co-writer and also the blog owner's business partner. I just want to share my opinion on the recent comments by whom I would just call 'non-dreamers'.

I have also copied and pasted the comments into this post just for future reference; for whenever someone stumbles upon this blog and maybe wonder what I may have been writing about.

So, Mr Non-dreamer(s). I believe you are living in Brunei, judging by the Bruneian IP Address that you are using and by that I assume that you've been raised, exposed and familiar to the surroundings of Bruneian culture, traditions and habits.

It's ok. We, the writers and people like us are not losing anything from recieving comments like those. Instead, it is one of the reasons why we strive to become better in anything that we endeavour.

I would like to sincerely thank all of you who has commented, and I will help the author with his English, and I would also like to edit his posts to make it a pleasing read to everyone.

Also, thanx for the support guys, we really appreciate it. To the non-dreamers, we welcome any critique that you may still have, and I'll try to reply if I can.

Thank you guys!

16 Oct 08, 09:52
author: to sul and road to success, thank you for supporting me. to those people who doesnt really understand my english, i will try to make it right

16 Oct 08, 05:50
Sul: This might be change people thinking, to the author you just change my mind of thinking,thanks buddy. I cant wait the book.

16 Oct 08, 05:36
Author: This is not copied from other, those idea come from mind,from i have seen people arround me and also who are already succed.

16 Oct 08, 05:26
Author: I dnt mind what people said on me,its my dream, what do i care.Im on my way to achive. "people who want you stop what you do "we call it dream stealler"

15 Oct 08, 21:53
Road to sucess!: and to the unknow people dont ever judge book by its cover. and mizan remember this ' people who avoid failure also avoid sucess!

15 Oct 08, 21:44
Road to sucess!: dude apa urg critic atu terima saja. apa urg ucap atu dgr saja. mana lurus d ambil..mana salah bagi mu ignore saja. semua anie membuat kan tani sucess. so dont ever ever look back, teruskan saja.

15 Oct 08, 21:34
me; the author: Yall dont know him so back off

15 Oct 08, 21:34
me; the author: the brother speaking : He is somebody man

15 Oct 08, 21:31
me; the author: my english may be bad but I HAVE A DREAM!

15 Oct 08, 21:31
me; the author: people have their own dream so dont be a dream stealer. if you think you're so good then you better correct your spelling first before you come and judge people

15 Oct 08, 21:30
me; the author: *to me

15 Oct 08, 21:30
me; the author: 8to me

15 Oct 08, 21:29
me; the author: if you think its so contagious, then stop reading it cause it matters to about what i do. i may took some information from the book but im trying to make it my own way.

13 Oct 08, 22:48
Maya54_65: I dont know who u are, but your committment in trying to have a successful life deserves an applause. But, u need to get deep n deeper in english so that u understand clearly of the info being stated.

13 Oct 08, 22:34
roti-john: ehh?? sial jua kamu ani, alum kmu tau apa ia an sampai kan arah kamu wah. so stop do wht u say. minding u own bisnes. dreams ani bulih mbwa kejayaan..palui..kamu ani org putih? iatah talur

13 Oct 08, 22:31
dreamingdisease: now my english is infected by just reading ur blog. ur so contagious man. what kind of animal r u?? u crazy

13 Oct 08, 22:29
keepondreaming: seriously,keep on dreaming man. what the hell are u talking about?? u are offering a motivational talk? but u english sucks!! fix ur english b4 u talk abt other people

13 Oct 08, 22:26
lessdreama: "this is my dream and it is mind??" what the hell man??!! i thought it was supposed to be "mine"

13 Oct 08, 22:24
smalldreama: i dont know a **** what you're talking about. your english sucks man. i know u took all this information and clearly copied it to your blog from the book. seriously man, u can be sued.

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